Knoco stories: How to build trust in a community of practice - http:/
Knoco stories: How to build trust in a community of practice - http:/
1 min read
jtleek/readingpapers: A guide to reading scientific papers
The academic paper is still the primary way of distributing new knowledge to the world. There are other ways too, with code, or blogs, or twitter. But academic papers are still the gold standard and where the vast majority of new scientific discoveries are reported.
I like that this is published on GitHub - if the author got something wrong or missed something, fork it and issue a pull request!
1 min read
Six Obstacles To Building Communities In Organizations
I've encountered, or been a part of, all six obstacles described in this article:
My sense is that people just want a tool (a magic wand) to drive collaboration within the organization, without understanding the change in mindset and culture that is necessary for success.
Want to improve motivation? Try this reward - http:/
May be worth checking out...
If the first page is "good enough," do you really expect people to browse?
Soon You'll Hate Group Chat as Much as You Hate E-mail - Bloomberg Business - http:/
April 2007 | byRobert L. Cross, Salvatore Parise, and Leigh M. Weiss
Where did Zika virus come from and why is it a problem in Brazil? http:/
Curiosity - Creativity - Initiative - Multi-disciplinary thinking - Empathy. #netlit encourages/facilitates.