Stephen Judd

The essence of networks

1 min read

Interdependence by Valdis Krebs

Connect on your similarities and profit from your differences. Everyone has knowledge and skills that can benefit others. Look for opportunities to build upward spirals via creative combinations of similarity and difference.

Stephen Judd

Fort Foster, Kittery, Maine


Stephen Judd



Stephen Judd


8 weeks

Stephen Judd

Stephen Judd

The Systems Thinker

Articles and papers on system thinking.

Stephen Judd

Stephen Judd

Nice way to end the day...

Ethan fishing

Stephen Judd

Why You Should Stop Installing Your WebDev Environment Locally – Smashing Magazine

Great walkthrough of getting started with Docker. I need to get on the bandwagon...

Stephen Judd

Which is the most unnatural behaviour - sharing knowledge, or seeking knowledge? - "develop...habit of Asking"